Bingo Group, the largest domestic business group, announced its business results for 2022. The revenues of this group amount to 1.7 billion KM, which is 17% more than in 2021, while the profit at the group level was almost 125 million KM, which is a 25% increase compared to the previous year.

“We are particularly proud that much of the profit growth is based on the results of the manufacturing companies within the Bingo Group, which have recorded fantastic revenue growth of more than 80%.” Thus, in 2022, the company Dita doubled its production and achieved exports of over 5 million KM of goods to foreign markets, which is an increase of 70% compared to 2021″ – said Ljiljana Kunosić, director of Bingo Group at a press conference held today in Sarajevo.

Last year, Bingo Group invested 132 million KM, which means that more than the entire profit in the previous year was invested in further business development, which confirmed the group’s commitment to the development of the domestic economy and domestic companies. During the 30 years of its business, Bingo Group has invested over 850 million KM in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which makes this group the largest domestic investor.

“In addition to investing in the technology and equipment of production companies, and the renovation of sales facilities, we invested in improving working conditions for our employees, who are the backbone of the Bingo Group. Total allocations for employees increased by 21% at the group level, and we paid over 50 million KM in the name of indirect taxes and contributions,” said Kunosić.

The statistics are an indication that more and more customers are choosing Bingo as their place to shop and they recognize the efforts made to improve the shopping experience which provides the best value for money.

“For Bingo retail, the previous year was successful, with revenue growth of 16%, that is, from 1,350 to 1,550 million KM. 5 million more purchases were made than in the previous year, five new facilities were opened and significant funds were invested in the renovation of the existing ones,” said Edin Ibrahimović, executive director for business operations of Bingo.

In May 2023, the implementation of a new systematization will begin in Bingo retail, which includes a new increase in employee wages by 15% on average.

“Our commitment is to continuously work on improving the working conditions of employees, this 15% salary increase is a continuation of those activities. Thus, during 2020, during the very challenging time of the pandemic, we permanently increased the salaries of our employees by 20%, and holiday pay and one-time financial assistance were paid in 2021, as well as in 2022. We are proud because the salaries of our employees are the highest in the field of traditional trade in Bosnia and Herzegovina,” said Ibrahimović.

Andrijana Bukvarević, director of human resources, spoke about working conditions, from the perspective of the largest employer in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

“In the past year, more than 350 completely new jobs were created through investments in growth and development, which we successfully filled. When it comes to staff turnover, our average is below the average staff turnover in the trade industry in the region, and we are particularly proud of that,” said Bukvarević.

Several new initiatives have been announced, among which the cooperation with the Think Pink association stands out. Namely, in the current year, Bingo Group is focusing on women’s health, by organizing preventive examinations for more than 6,000 Bingo Group employees, in cooperation with the Think Pink association.


140 Years of Pivara Tuzla: Sips that accompanied the most important events in human history

Pivara Tuzla has grown and evolved over the years, yet it has always remained true to its tradition, which is the secret of its 140-year-long success.

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Our place of gathering: Tomorrow’s opening of the Bingo Open Air Cinema Tuzla

At the Bingo Open Air Cinema Tuzla, our place of cinematic magic under the starry sky, eight screenings by top filmmakers, led by Bosnia’s Oscar winner Danis Tanović, will be shown over the next eight days.

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Bingo Group Opened Two New Production Facilities in One Day

Kaletex and Ingram Increased Their Capacities

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Grand Center becomes more grandiose Bingo City Center Ilidža

Bingo City Center Ilidža officially opened its doors to all visitors today. Thus, the Sarajevo municipality of Ilidža has a modern shopping center where its citizens, as well as citizens of other cities and numerous tourists, will be able to experience a superb shopping experience.

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Bingo Group and “Think Pink – together we are one” signed an agreement

The CEO of Bingo Group, Ljiljana Kunosić, expressed the essence of the partnership between the largest domestic business group and the organization “Think Pink – zajedno smo jedno” in these words: “When women live safe, fulfilling, and productive lives, they are able to reach their full potential and contribute to the growth and development of society.”

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Bingo Group pays almost 10 million KM of financial support to workers

The largest domestic business group, Bingo Group, held a press conference in Sarajevo today. This group, with almost 9,000 employees, is the largest investor and employer in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and today it announced the payment of financial support to its employees.

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Bingo Group: 9,000 gifts, for 9,000 children’s smiles

Proud of everything we do!

Tonight, a clever owl will hoot loudly from the highest roof:

“Games to play, and merrily wandering around, and something when you don’t always know how to ask bravely.

To think deeply and create miracles and always hope for beautiful things.

And don’t forget the main thing, of course, is to be happy to help others in need.

Hear all children, under the roof of heaven,

Happy New Year!”

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INGRAM concrete factory in a major expansion

The company “Ingram” d.d. in 2022, Srebrenik successfully completed the implementation of the strategic development plan, with the aim of introducing new production programs, which led to an increase in product quality, expansion to new markets, and substantial growth of the company.

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Bingo awarded grants to female entrepreneurs

Over the course of eight years, Bingo allocated almost 145,000 KM as part of the “Courageous and brave, that’s you” project.

Today, twelve brave and courageous women got the wind behind them to start or further develop their own business with the help of grant funds awarded as part of Bing’s project “Brave and brave, that’s you!”

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“Bingo for babies” – baby food for 0% margin

Bingo is waiving the margin on baby food until the end of the year

The company Bingo is launching the campaign “Bingo for babies” through which the margin is completely waived for all products from the baby food category. The action “Bingo for babies!” starts in April and will last until the end of 2023, and includes the following product categories: baby food, baby porridges and juices, and baby water.

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Bingo Group: All profits made in 2022 reinvested in the BiH economy

Bingo stores recorded five million more purchases than the previous year
• The total income at the group level in 2022 increased by 17% compared to the previous year and amounts to 1.7 billion KM.
• The highest revenue growth, as much as 80%, was recorded in the production companies of the group.
• • Revenue growth in Bingo stores, the group’s core business, compared to the previous year is 16%.
• In 2023, investments in BiH will continue. the economy.

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Bing’s company from Janja: Semberka started exporting products to the EU market

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Bingo Group exclusive sponsor of the 29th Sarajevo Film Festival

At the press conference held on June 16, 2023. in the Meeting Point cinema, the director of the Sarajevo Film Festival, Jovan Marjanović, presented the new festival location, poster, and exclusive sponsor of the festival, Bingo Group.

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Dita 1977 exports 35% of its total production

The company Dita 1977 from Tuzla, a long-time leader in the production of powder detergents, and a member of the Bingo Group, records excellent business results. The company has achieved significant growth in all key areas of its business, which is the result of the dedication and expertise of its employees.

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